The Trapeze Bar Jump (aka The Leap of Faith) has always made excellent spectator sport. Although at first glance it might appear to be a very individual challenge, certainly requiring a great deal of personal commitment to undertake, we have over the years also found it to be an excellent team activity. This is because the group empathise and share the experience and we hope to create a very supportive and encouraging ethos to the activity whereby each participant is supported and willed on by their peers. In this way we have often found individuals push their comfort zones to achieve things thay could not do on their own. They then have great satisfaction and pride in their achievement, whether it is getting half way up the pole and having a swing off or making it all the way on to the platform and actually leaping and catching the bar. The challenge can graduated as above and also by moving the bar nearer or further from the platform according to individual's height and challenge threshold.
We've now made this excellent spectator sport more comfortable viewing by positioning a bench for sitting on in a safe and good viewing position.
The viewing bench for the leap of Faith has proved so popular that we've gone and added one for the Zip Wire as well. This activity also requires team work to operate as their are jobs to do to get the zip rope back to the top of the tree for the next person. Retrieval ropes need pulling, ropes need unclipping and people climbing the ladder need their safety rope pulling on. So it's not all sitting about, but once you have gone down you can have a quick sit down to relax after your adrenaline rush and watch other experiencing the same thrill before congratulating them on their achievement.
In this way we have often found individuals push their comfort zones to achieve things thay could not do on their own.
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