We have just finished the majority of the top landscaping around the Tunnel System. Matting now protects the recently turfed and pathed areas and willow sculptures have been planted to shade the junction chambers and pipes that are above ground. In the spring these will sprout into green foliage to reduce the solar heating of the tunnel system. In the theme of tunnels it includes a willow tunnel that you are channeled through to get to the entrance of the underground tunnels.
We have been pleased to take delivery of 3 new PC's to supplement our exiting IT resources.

Our two caretakers have been busy taking advantage of a rare empty week just after Christmas to do jobs that can't be done with students in residence. We have painted floors and even dug up one to renew a drainage junction beneath it.

The first week back also gave us a chance to turn of the heating system and install a new radiator and put in 10 new radiator valves.
The heating is now back on for this weeks residential group and the upgraded loft insulation above the Common Room is keeping that area even more cosy and energy efficient.